Planting in the late spring allows the grass seed to establish itself and take root prior to the hot growing season. Warm season grasses are a favorite from Texas to Tennessee. Warm season grasses include Argentine Bahiagrass, Pensacola Bahiagrass, Common Bermuda, Improved Bermuda, Carpetgrass, Centipede, St. There are two different types of fertilizers for lawns available in the market: Liquid based fertilizers: These fertilizers are easy to use and have a faster effect as the soil rapidly absorbs them. All you need to do is to mix liquid fertilizers with water and sprinkle it over the plants. Liquid fertilizers should be used bi weekly or once every 21 days for greater impact. Most soil tests will give you recommendations on what amendments or fertilizers you need to add to your soil to get it to the desired pH level. Soil tests will show you the levels of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium that are currently in your lawn soil so you don’t make costly mistakes. If you have cool season grass, such as Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Rough Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, Creeping Fescue, Annual Ryegrass and Perennial Ryegrass, you will want to fertilizer your new lawn in the fall. You should then apply a dressing to your lawn. This will ensure that your seeds are not disturbed. Dressings can include peat moss or straw. After you have sown your seed and applied a dressing, you should use either a lawn roller or a rake to ensure the seed comes in contact with its growing soil. You should then proceed to water the lawn. The only investment you will have in seeding is that you will need to purchase the seed and either buy or rent a seed spreader. You will also need to purchase a top dressing to cover your seed bed. This can be straw or peat moss. How to Plant a New Lawn - Sod Information If you are looking for instant result, sod is the way to go. Instead of using weed killers during the draught times, you may need to manually pull them out of your lawn, or simply cut them off at the surface. Leave your lawn clipping on the grass. They can add moisture to your lawn. If you are restricted from watering your lawn, you should simply let it go dormant.
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