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Dermatology 101 Recognizing eczema

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After some time, the fluid buildup affects the skin and soon develops a rash that is itchy, and produces painful sores over a thinning and discolored skin. The treatment is usually a two-pronged approach treating the dermatitis and the circulation problem as well. Symptoms Stasis dermatitis sometimes begins so slowly it is hardly noticed by the patient at all. Often, this is used as soon as the child starts itching. What is great about this product is that it can also be used on the face for children over the age of two. For those under two years old, care should be done. For the most part, eczema is the product of an irritant or an allergic reaction to an allergen. You must not allow them to wear clothes that are made from wool and other materials that may cause excessive body heat and sweating. When the flares seem out of hand, you can also opt to use wet or wet to dry dressings. You cannot help your kids from scratching the affected areas because the itchiness can get too much to bear. Remember that eczema can be exacerbated and infected and that one case can easily infect another person. Thus, even if it is not being prescribed by the doctor, the meds are taken by people so as to cure the problem and not spread the infection. But this is easier said than done. In reality, one cannot drink any medicine without the prescription from the doctor. Triggering Factors Foods allergens are known to worsen the flare ups caused by this kind of skin problem. To help eliminate the symptoms, you have to completely stay away from any food allergens. The usual foods that can trigger such effect include milk, wheat, soy, eggs and peanuts. It is vital that patients who have recently developed such problem undergo food allergy screening. After every bath, you have to help seal the moisture on their skin by applying suitable moisturizer. There are many types of moisturizers that you can get for your kids, but if they already have this skin disorder, it will be best if you will get them greasy ointment. As much as possible, they must stay away from using oils and lotions on their skin. 

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