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How to Prove a Parent is Unfit in a Child Custody Case

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They can make an appeal and hope that somehow, the ruling can be overturned. Another best way to cope is that request is you can visit your child regularly. Majority of family court judges are hesitant to reject any parent s request to regular see their kids despite losing the child custody case. Also, you can focus your attention on the factor that has caused the custody to be given to the other parent. Physical and mental health of the parents Age and sex of child Wishes of the child if he or she is of the right age Religious considerations The relationship with & support from extended family of each parent Proof of alcohol, drug, or sexual abuse of each parent Emotional abuse or discipline from parents Stability of the home environment of each parent The child s adjustment to community and school The wishes of the child regarding his or her custody have a huge bearing in any custody decision. These rights specify who will have physical and legal custody of the child. The payments for child support are also figured out in custody rights cases. The rights to the custody of a child may be given to only one parent or legal guardian or be shared by both parents. In about 70 percent of cases, primary custody rights are granted to the mother of the child. Making the best out of what you have Experts say that it is only common for people to feel depression, anxiety and defeat if life has been giving them so many tests and trials such as enduring a child custody case. However, instead of feeling depresses and sulking into the taste of defeat, people can use this as an opportunity to make themselves stronger by using these emotions and experiences to survive and motivate his or herself. However, this type is rare, and is generally restricted to cases where one parent is deemed in poor condition or is deemed irresponsible (drug addiction or child abuse, etc). Except for granted periods of visitation with the child, the non-custodial parent does not have the physical nor legal custody rights on the child. In others, the children declare preference in living with their fathers. In cases where there a deadlock and the courts do the deciding, fathers prove to be the more emotionally stable parent. They present to the court their better abilities in providing better living environment for their children. In other circumstances, the mothers are sometimes unable to afford the expenses of a protracted custody battle, or are set in pursuing a career for themselves, or some other reasons. 

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