Aside from revoking, both general and specific power of attorney is discontinued upon the principal s incapacity and death. Non-durable power of attorney The clear characteristic of the non-durable power of attorney is that it is for short-term transactions only. In a situation when the principal could not handle a transaction, then this type may be more suitable. Choosing an Agent for your Power of Attorney By now you should know that when you get a power of attorney to authorize somebody else to execute your decisions in case you fail to do so, you need to find the right person to whom the authority would be bestowed. As a principal, you need to find your agent or attorney-in-fact. Frequently Asked Questions about Power of Attorney If you are considering getting a power of attorney, you should fully understand what it is all about. In general, it is a legal requirement that you be in a competent and normal state of mind when getting a power or attorney or appointing a person to be your attorney-in-fact. Although power of attorneys are often given for a specific period of time, some principals, or those who are giving the power of attorney, can extend the contract until something happens to them like when they become terminally ill or when they become gravely injured. This however should be plainly stated on the contract for the power of attorney. The person who is signing or creating the power of attorney is called the principal, while the person who would be awarded with authority is called the attorney-in-fact or the agent. Since the power of attorney would provide the agent the control over banking, credit and other financial issues, it is important to be made carefully which is why legal assistance is importance. You would decide on those specifics. Unlike the general power of attorney, the special power attorney does not give the agent a broad range of coverage. It only specifies how he/she should act. The document should specify which activities the agent should do. Transactions that are not included in the provisions could not in any way be managed or handled by the person.
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