However, the law states that the agent should be obliged to act only in the best interest of the principal. Thus, the money and properties involved must only be used for the benefit of the principal. If you need to establish a durable power of attorney, take note that you are providing your agent the following authority: withdrawing your money from bank accounts and spending it; selling your property; and pursuing legal actions and insurance claims. It only means that at the same time, another person can also make choices for you so you are sharing the right to decide with your agent. For example, if you are on a business trip abroad, you can designate someone to pay your bills or do bank transactions on your behalf. Your agent will only follow your orders, so long as you are mentally capable of making decisions for yourself. Legal assistance or help from a lawyer is very important to make sure that necessary steps are performed to avoid the document being challenged. The power is granted to an attorney-in-fact or agent that would have the authority to decide on different matters. The person who is granting the authority would, of course, identify the scope of the mandate. It all depends on the legal papers that accompany the power of attorney. And these papers stating the contract for the power of attorney is required to be shown before an agent can act. Some countries accept oral agreement but others like the United States rely on written documents to deem it legal. Because of the birth of the internet and the computers, powers of attorney sent over the internet or those that are electronically given are accepted in some states and also in some countries. You still need one even if you already have drafted a living will. Medical powers of attorney and living wills are two different legal documents. The former merely authorizes a person to make important medical care decisions such as those regarding use of life support when the principal is mentally incapable of doing this for himself or herself. General powers of attorney provide more authority to an attorney-in-fact than the limited type. Because the control granted to an agent is limitless, the general type has a wider scope than the other one. This means that the agent enjoys the same amount of privileges and access to the assets of the principal.
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