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CalPERS Quick Tip | Special Power of Attorney

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It would be safe to get that document even if you are in the pink of health or even if you do not foresee any event that would make you unable to handle your affairs. There are several frequently asked questions about this subject. It would be wise to be more familiar about power of attorney to fully understand how it could be of best use for you. The lack of an appointed person to take care of the legal matters when one is dying often becomes a problem because no one anticipates this happening. And who can blame them? Nobody would want to go morbid and prepare for something like dying from an illness. Death is easier because the will (as in the last will and testament) will take care of the legal matters post-mortem but dying is another thing altogether. The attorney-in-fact or the agent does not have to be lawyer. H/she could be a relative, a daughter or son and even a trusted friend. When picking out an agent, make sure that the person would stand by the principal s beliefs since they would act on behalf of the person. Aside from that, the attorney-in-fact would have to keep sufficient and detailed records since the principal should have a copy of transactions made in h/her behalf. That means the authority ends at the period indicated on the document. Just like the previous legal document type, it also ends at the death, mental illness, or disability of the principal. 3. Durable - It grants the agent the right to act on the principal s behalf even after he or she has become mentally incapacitated. An Insight On The Different Types Of Power Of Attorney There are different types of power of attorney. These are meant to ensure that the needs of the principal is properly addressed and provided for. When preparing or creating a power of attorney, it is important to get lawyer assistance. They would be able to help you identify what type of power of attorney would be best suitable for your needs. If you have authorized someone to take charge of your property in your absence beforehand, then you can rest assured that the sale would be properly negotiated and hopefully, a deal would be closed even if you are not present. In cases like that, you may opt to get a durable POA that specifies a limited period when the authorization is effective. 

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