Also, it helps to assess your children to determine which ones can decide according to your best interest or your wishes. That means going for someone who will manage your finances and personal matters just as you would have. Trust Your level of trust matters a lot when deciding whom you will authorize to make important decisions on your behalf. That includes planning how to and who will handle your finances, business, and other personal matters should you become unable to do so. This is where the power of attorney comes in. It is a document that allows a person to grant legal authority to another person to make decisions regarding finances, business, medications, health care, and other personal affairs on his or her behalf. What Is The Durable Power Of Attorney For? The power of attorney is a legal document that authorizes a person or organization to act on financial and business matters affairs of a person referred to as the principal. The person or organization that receives authority is called the agent or the attorney-in-fact. The authority usually provided by the legal services specifically for the elderly could be categorized as a durable power of attorney. It is somehow different from the usual and normal power of attorney used. Durable simple means the agent is mandated to continue making decisions for the principal especially if the latter becomes incapacitated. Four Main Types of Power of Attorney If you want to authorize anyone or any organization to properly handle your affairs while you are unable to do so or while you are unavailable, you should get a power of attorney. It is a document that summarizes and proves your agreement to give your appointed person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) the authority to act on your behalf. Now, you might be worried that an interested buyer would visit your home while you are away. If you have authorized someone to take charge of your property in your absence beforehand, then you can rest assured that the sale would be properly negotiated and hopefully, a deal would be closed even if you are not present.
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