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Statutory Durable Power of Attorney - The Jacobson Law Firm

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A power of attorney can also be given to people, authorizing them to refuse or allow medical care to the principal if they become incapable of making decisions for themselves. This also includes making the decision to pull the plug in cases when only a machine is keeping the principal alive. Some people are also given the power of attorney to take care of a principal s financial portfolio. It is usually used to enable your appointed agent the power to handle your important transactions within a specified period when you are practically unable to do them personally. The special power of attorney provides your agent specific powers. You would decide on those specifics. Unlike the general power of attorney, the special power attorney does not give the agent a broad range of coverage. When writing the document, one has to make sure that it clearly explains how to determine the occurrence of the springing event. You may also consider using separate powers of attorney to designate another person who will be responsible for your health care and finances. For example, a financial power of attorney allows the agent to perform certain tasks such as handling your properties or paying your bills when you cannot do it, such as when you are out of the country or hospitalized for a brief period. If you are considering getting a power of attorney, you should make sure you are appointing the right agent or attorney-in-fact (the person who would be given authority to make or execute decisions for you). One usual issue about power of attorney and appointment of agents is the way the person manages or handles finances. Here are some of the characteristics that you should consider when selecting your financial agent: Financial savvy Trustworthy and comfortable to work with Can devote enough time to perform the required financial responsibilities Accessible and lives near your residence so that you can easily discuss with him or her any pertinent concern about your POA Can commit to carry out his or her duties as an agent if you are unable to handle your finances for a long time Once you have chosen an agent, don t forget to discuss the tasks, including the financial duties involved. After all, what other power do attorneys need than the legal ones, given to them when they became lawyers? What exactly is a power of attorney? Power of attorney does not refer to a power intrinsic to the lawyer or attorney. It is actually given to a person even if he or she is not a lawyer. Still, many of those who are given the power of attorney are lawyers, often family lawyers who are trusted to deal with a wide range of things. 

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