Another reason is that it is the normal reaction of the body to anesthesia. You will also feel that your mouth seems very dry and your throat sore. For the pain, you are given medicine through injection in certain parts of the body like the thigh or arms. Another method of doing it is through IV. In addition, your attendant will give you a blanket or sheet to stop your shiver. But when asked the vital questions, they do not give a definite answer or tend to beat around the bush. This is why you have to be specific and expect specific answers. Remember that you are putting yourself in their hands. You need to be assured that everything will turn out fine. 3. The cost. If you are serious about cosmetic surgery, then you should not be worry about the cost that you have to pay. Other cosmetic procedures may also be performed during the teenage years after the surgeon has made an evaluation on the patient s adulthood. Examples of the teenage cosmetic procedure are the so called dermabrasion the removal of acne and otoplasty , or pinning back the ears. There are also some non-surgical procures available like injections to lessen the pain and laser hair removal. This is why they resort to liposuction to remove these excesses and have a nice and fit body they can carry and show. 2. Eye surgery. Eye bags are also a problem with men. These eye bags can make them appear older and tired looking the way it does to women. Since men are not using make up to conceal these bags, they would rather resort to eye surgery to remove these bags for good. This will eventually make them feel better and positive. Basically, cosmetic surgery is a type of plastic surgery. The phrase is taken from the plastikos, a Greek word that means to give form or to mold. Plastic surgery, on the other hand, is a specialty of medicine which concerns the reshaping or restoration of the human body. For people who want to stay young and be beautiful, cosmetic surgery has become a blessing indeed. It gives solutions to problem you think can never be solved by science. Generally speaking, cosmetic surgery is designed for aesthetic purposes. It is different from plastic surgery in the sense that plastic surgery is done for medical reasons.
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