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Fatal cosmetic surgery: the deadly downside of cheap overseas procedures | 7NEWS Spotlight

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Here are few of the common cosmetic surgery procedures most men prefer: 1. Hair Transplantation Unlike women, men are really more prone to hair loss. Baldness is inevitable. It is something that is not easy to handle. The only procedure that men can opt for is through hair transplantation. Cosmetic surgeons are 99% successful in rejuvenating that loss hair. It was studied later on that when laser comes into contact with the skin, it forms collagen which helps in giving the skin a youthful appearance. It can be noted that some of the factors that destroy collagen are bad body habits and aging. Notice that the skin of smokers is not as young looking compared to those who does not smoke. Ask some advice from your surgeon. Some of the complications that can happen are blood clots, bleeding and infection. The best candidates for cosmetic surgery are those people who want to improve their facial or physical appearance. But it's a fact that this kind of procedure has its own limitations. It seems that men and women of all ages can now afford to hide away the signs of aging and imperfections once they have gone under the needle of this beauty regimen. The fact that there are now numerous surgeons capable of the best cosmetic surgery procedure makes everyone wants to have a piece of the action themselves. It can significantly reduce the appearance of baldness by covering that certain area or by growing hair back. 5. Gynecomastia. Breast reduction is quite popular with men. Because of excess or fatty tissues, men's breast size is enlarged making it appear like their breast is fuller. Majority of men do not want this because they do not want to invite misconception about their sexuality. This should be first and foremost in your mind when you speak to your doctor. A number of lives have changed after cosmetic surgery. A number have also not seen any drastic changes and the results are not what they expected. If you are sure that cosmetic surgery will make your life better, then go for it. 

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