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‘Snapchat Dysmorphia’: Why Teens Are Turning To Plastic Surgery | TODAY

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Job finding and creating a successful career also require one to appear in his or her best. If you think of it in this perspective, you will realize that cosmetic surgery is one thing that is worth considering and spending money on. Do not be fooled by these two fallacies about cosmetic surgery. It would do you wonders to research and read about this procedure before you even think of getting one. In view of that it is very important to choose the best surgeon who will perform the surgery. Before undergoing any form of surgery, you have to ask first its pros and cons specifically the complications that might occur. Ask some advice from your surgeon. Some of the complications that can happen are blood clots, bleeding and infection. In simple terms, this is basically nose reshaping. Very popular for men who want to reshape their noses to make them appear higher. On the other hand, there are cases wherein men opt for the procedure to reduce the way they nose are slanted. This procedure is also done by those who have broken their noses in the past because of fights or accidents. Lasers have been known to control bleeding once it is sliced through the tissue of the patient. Since losing blood during the operation is risky, it is important that it should be contained so that additional problems will be avoided. 2. Deep penetration. Lasers can penetrate deeper than scalpels. They can go through areas that cannot be penetrated by scalpels in normal cosmetic surgery procedures. It is better to know what the fees are regarding what procedure. This will entail that you are not going overboard with the payment. Check out the local hospital or clinic nearest you. Chances are, you will be given a quotation of the prices that they offer for their cosmetic surgery treatment. With the competition going on this field nowadays, expect the cost to be much lesser than they used to be. With the use of advanced technology, modern methods are developed and made. With innovative tools, the risks involved in the procedure are minimized. Moreover, the fear and the pain behind the process are also reduced. This is why those who are afraid of having cosmetic plastic surgery before are now more confident of undergoing one. 

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