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Gravitas: UK bans cosmetic surgery ads targeting teenagers

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Fashion signature. A lot of stars and celebrities have had their eyes done. It is not surprising to see pictures or movies from the past with them looking way different than they do now. You will notice the alterations that they have on their faces. Some people go through cosmetic eye surgery to change the shape of their eyes. Although it appears to be a safe procedure, you need to be wary of what might happen in case you plan on getting one. You need to look at it from both sides. In this case, it would be the good side and the bad side of cosmetic breast surgery. What are some of the advantages of cosmetic breast surgery? The most common side effects that you will feel in the first stages of recovery are pain, thirst and sleepiness. These are normal. For some, they will even start to shiver. The reason may be because of the cold temperature that was needed in the room where the procedure was done. Another reason is that it is the normal reaction of the body to anesthesia. Two of the most ordinary types of cosmetic surgeries are nose jobs and face lifts. Face lifts are done by those who are in their middle ages and want to get rid of laugh lines and sagging skins they find unnecessary. While nose jobs are for those who are not too happy with what they have and would rather have one they think would look like on them. Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgery: How to Look Good In this day and age, more and more people are getting hooked on surgical procedures specifically those associated with how to stay good-looking as much as possible. For people who want to stay young and be beautiful, cosmetic surgery has become a blessing indeed. If you think of it in this perspective, you will realize that cosmetic surgery is one thing that is worth considering and spending money on. Do not be fooled by these two fallacies about cosmetic surgery. It would do you wonders to research and read about this procedure before you even think of getting one. 

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