As with any space, sharp corners and protrusions in the wall disturbs the flow of chi. avoid a position whereby students will be in direct line with it. Do something about open beams if there are any. The chi flows in a way that whoever would be positioned directly below the beam will suffer the extra pressure that is generated in those beams. The poison arrows are more likely to be found in cramped office spaces but nonetheless has to be checked out and avoided at all cost. Sharp objects, exposed sharp corners of walls, the corner of a desk of a co-worker, edges of cabinets, even the thorn of a cactus plant must not be placed in a direct path to where you are sitting. Because a Feng shui life basically starts with respect, it is the humility of accepting that there are forces in nature that one has to live in accordance with. It is a life that goes with the flow of things the way they are instead of dominating and controlling them. Living a Feng shui life is not a life of yes or no. What is not controversial about it though is its ability to reflect light to spots, which needed highlighting and illumination and the visual effects it creates. The beauty that it adds to the house, its decorative value, the extra space it generates and its functionality is both accepted whether by western oriented Feng shui thought or the traditional. This is the place where you place earth materials, rock gardens, and equipments that are used for repairing, statues and where you refrain from having plants and trees. Designs on the materials should preferably be low and flat. The East Encourages healing, rebirth, rejuvenation and growth. It also contributes positively to family life and relationships. Dogs are symbols of protection and guardians of residences. Hence Fu dogs are usually placed on the front steps of residences but if that were not practical, it could also be placed inside the front door. In many European mansions and establishments, one can find fountains and waterfalls in the yard and sometimes inside of the house.
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