Keep toilet doors closed even when they are very clean. Keeping objects displayed in the house that makes you feel aggravated should be discarded. In fact, get rid of things that you do not use. Keeping them in the house adds so much to clutter. It is in this area where many people will have difficulty in doing. Multiply that and factor in the number of different floor plan layouts and your answer to different Feng shui house types is actually infinite. Again there are no fixed cures; this is why the Feng shui compass is very important. It's reading will determine the particular map of energy of a specific type of house or an edifice. The bagua map as applied to a classroom brings similar results. Here's how. Pay close attention to the way the furniture, desks, board, tables, and chairs are arranged. The arrangements should coincide with what the bagua map indicates. Know that there are five basic elements in Feng shui, the fire, water, earth, metal and wood. It is not exactly known when and where Feng shui started. There are very few written accounts of Feng shui prior to the last century. The practice then was to hand over the knowledge by word of mouth, from master to the student. Even with that, the practice of Feng shui continued and improved. One thing that it owes to is that Feng shui is intuitive in nature and is practical. Whatever the choice maybe, it should always be considered that the choice of bedroom colors will still be conducive to rest as some colors for some people makes them restless, depriving them of sleep which a bedroom is primarily designed for. Feng shui bedroom colors should do the job of providing the activity that one desires in the bedroom while not compromising them the relaxation that is needed. It was used in ancient times for its healing qualities. A myth even extends its usage in Atlantis. Americans Indians use it for healing, the aborigines has similar uses for it. The Europeans use it for trade and if that were not enough, it could serve as a very good accessory to casual attire in place of the more expensive gemstones.
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