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Feng Shui Tips: Wealth, Opportunities & Water

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The following are the following zones with its corresponding numerical value and its energy association. The topmost quadrants: Wealth 4: The area associated with wealth does not only mean material possessions but all those that are of value to you. Reputation 9: this is how those that you come to associate with perceive you. While mirrors are often placed in posts to direct flow of the chi, these are not employed in the bedrooms as Feng shui cures. Positioning the bed. In Feng shui every individual has a Kua number. This determines the best position for the bed and is decided by Feng shui experts. If the best position cannot be achieved because of the location and direction of the room, the next best direction is chosen. You would not want this portion to be dull. When the light is not enough, a Feng shui mirror could help. The southeast portion is the area of careers. A rectangular light represents development and growth. If it will be awkward to place a rectangular mirror on the wall, why not try a rectangular Feng shui mirror. The Southeast invites wealth, prosperity, and material possessions and is the spot that makes for better communication. Use this spot to usher those in by using elements made from wood. It is also a good place to cultivate flowers and display fishes. Cylindrical objects also helps including columns and posts. For the mind that is oriented in western thinking, avoiding clutter, mowing the lawn, cleaning up, burning dead flowers and leaves, are ways to healthful living and minimizing accidents aside from aesthetics. For Orientals, these are all of the above but are stretched further by the belief that these practices invite good qi (or chi). This will prevent the natural flow of chi and will exert pressure on those who live in it. Observe the flow of the water in front of your house. A Feng shui house will be more auspicious if the water in front flows from left to right when the house faces a primary path and the opposite when the house faces a secondary path. 

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