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Feng Shui your room for love!happy valentine's! #fengshui #couples #valentines #valentinesday

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Know that there are five basic elements in Feng shui, the fire, water, earth, metal and wood. Once you know what the bagua map indicates, the things that you bring to the classroom and how you arrange them should be in harmony with these elements. Arranging the classroom according to what the quadrants in the octagon in the bagua indicates will improve the results that you want to achieve in it. The oriental gardens and by extension (and as adopted) the Feng shui gardens, take into consideration, a basic respect to experiences and humility towards the natural. Neither too ideal nor too religious as to place these precepts above the now and the real life, as they know it, they have better ability to conform more naturally to their environment. Conduct your dialogue with your partner in this area, have a romantic dinner this spot encourages pleasantries although you must avoid placing here wood based materials and use the color green to decorate. This is the fun side, the happy side, the west side is. The western portion encourages creativity, games and laughter. Because a Feng shui life basically starts with respect, it is the humility of accepting that there are forces in nature that one has to live in accordance with. It is a life that goes with the flow of things the way they are instead of dominating and controlling them. Living a Feng shui life is not a life of yes or no. When the activity in the bedroom is done not in the bed, the corners where one chooses to work most should adopt more vibrant colors. Colors make statements. It could signify love, peace, tranquility, boldness, creativity etc. Due to this, colors have to be adapted to the mood of the bedroom that the occupant wants to evoke. In the 19th century, the Chinese government has control over the distribution of charts, numerical data and diagrams that were included in the almanacs that it releases to the public. Feng shui is an old practice that has developed through the centuries. In fact it is a part of the Chinese philosophy. 

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