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Feng Shui Home Decorating Ideas

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If the best position cannot be achieved because of the location and direction of the room, the next best direction is chosen. As mentioned the kua number is a more personal thing and so the Feng shui expert is in a position to make the determination as this also involves placements of the kua trigrams in the eight direction of the room where each represents a family member and their individual directions. You can go to any Feng shui store and in most cases the different kinds are written and displayed (usually beneath a crystal) and explained together with the uses and the benefits that you could get from it. Feng shui crystals come in the form of bracelets, anklets, necklaces, brooches or just plain stand-alone crystals. The practice of Feng shui has nothing to do with boasts. In fact, be wary of them. A true Feng shui consultant lives and breathes with what he or she teaches always in harmony with nature and his surroundings. Do not be impressed outright with a consultant because he has ready answers for everything immediately. If it will be awkward to place a rectangular mirror on the wall, why not try a rectangular Feng shui mirror. The family room is also a good place to add a Feng shui mirror. There are other areas in the room that could use additional light. The reason why it is not mentioned here is that a Feng shui mirror might cause a deflection of energy depending on the light that is already present or the objects placed in it. Never have double beds. The child sleeping on the lower deck, in most cases, is sicklier than the one sleeping on top. This is so because the child sleeping above will always have a better and fresher amount of fresh air while the one gets the stale ones. If a child falls ill, try transferring the child to another bedroom. The Feng shui consultant that is about to lead you into the life of Feng shui should be above reproach and you could easily know this by the successes that have been accomplished before. Forget about grand titles and the smiles. A good Feng shui consultant leads a good Feng shui life and this should endow them with humility. 

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