For sure, the first-timer who walks into the office of the reflexology therapists has a number of things running in her mind. What will the therapist do? For how long will the first session be? These are the most common concerns of anyone who visits the office for the first time. So what exactly happens during the initial meeting of the person and the therapist? Aside from promoting health, the relaxation offered by reflexology can also restore the blood circulation to your aching feet. And when done the right way, this can bring in a relaxing state that can be felt in all parts of the body. Is massage and reflexology similar? Some would say that reflexology bears some similarity with massage. But as far back as the 1913, this form of therapy was already discovered but in a different name. This was first known as the 'Zone Therapy' and it was the American surgeon named William Fitzgerald who first studied these. In the studies that was conducted by Dr. Fitzgerald, he noted that there are zones that can be found on the hands, the feet and the tongue of the person and that all these zones are linked or connected to the many parts of the body. Get certifications Most of the people looking for reflexology therapists will look for nationally certified therapists. If you want to easily get your clients in the market, then it is best that you are nationally certified as well. For certifications you may want to contact and get in touch with the American Reflexology Certification Board. In most reflexology practices the feet are primarily used for the pressure points, though the map for the hands are also useful for those who would like to perform reflexology on themselves. In a nutshell, the foot map would read like this: the toes would represent the head, the chest and heart represented by the soles of the feet, liver and pancreas in the arch of the feet and the lower back represented by the ball of the foot. They are about an inch apart, located in the inner side of the back hand. Similar to the pressure points of the testicle and ovary, it is also not present in the reflexology map of the foot. For the females, this is especially helpful in times of pre menstrual cramps and dysmenorrhea, where the uterus and ovary is under extreme stress.
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