And, as you may already know, if the LES is weakened, it may not function properly and will let the stomach acid flow in to the esophagus, which will ultimately cause heartburn. Stress is another known cause of heartburn. It has been found that stress can increase the acid production in the stomach and slows down the emptying of the stomach, causing heartburn. Also, increasing fiber intake will help bind stomach acids together, which will help in preventing heartburn. Smoking is one of the main triggers of heartburn. The nicotine you inhale will increase the production of stomach acid and it will also weaken the LES or the lower esophageal sphincter. The LES acts as a valve which is primarily responsible for keeping stomach acid inside the stomach and prevent it from reaching your esophagus. This may be a sign that you may be suffering from a more complicated condition or a more serious condition that causes heartburn. Your doctor will be able to provide you with better diagnosis and administer the proper or appropriate treatment for your condition. There are different kinds of antacids that you can buy on drug stores but most are combinations of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum. You will experience a burning sensation that will begin in the upper abdomen and builds up behind the breastbone and makes your chest feels like burning. The burning sensation and the pain may even travel from your diaphragm to your throat, which may be accompanied by a bitter and sour taste. It can even feel like as if food is reentering your mouth. Basically, heartburn is often associated with regurgitation of gastric acid or also known as acid reflux. This is why you feel a burning sensation in your chest and in your throat. This is also the reason why you taste something bitter right after the heartburn episode. So, should you be concerned if you experience heartburn? Primarily, diet is the main culprit for experiencing heartburn. Certain foods are notorious for causing heartburn. Included are fatty and fried food, garlic, mint, tomatoes, and chocolate. Spicy food is also notorious for causing heartburn. There are also beverages that you must avoid. Acidic beverages, such as orange juice and sodas as well as alcohol and coffee are known to cause heartburn.
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