There are also other therapies that are being employed in order to help prevent migraines. This includes maintaining a proper diet by avoiding foods such as chocolate, caffeine or alcohol that can trigger a migraine attack. Living a stress-free life can also help in keeping migraine in check. Meditation and relaxation exercises such as Yoga can also help prevent further migraine attacks. During a sinusitis attack, the sinus headache may be localized to one or two pairs of inflamed sinuses but in severe cases, all sinuses are swollen and therefore cause a sinus headache that can be felt in the forehead between the eyebrows, upper jaw and teeth along with tender cheeks and face, the sides of the nose. In order to maintain enough magnesium supply, avoid too much mental stress, drinking lots of coffee, eating sugary foods, a high sodium, carbohydrate and calcium diet, alcohol intake, drinking sodas, cigarette smoking, diuretics, and taking in drugs of all types. 4. Infections and bacterial disease. Infections in the different areas of the body such as the nose, throat, and ear can cause major headache. There are several very effective over the counter cures for sinus headaches and sinusitis. Unfortunately, these treatments have been known to fail among individuals who have mistakenly diagnosed themselves to have sinusitis and therefore suffer from sinus headaches. Studies have been reported to produce results that show that among individuals who think they suffer from sinus headaches, up to 97% of them actually suffer from migraine instead. The most common form of headache experienced during pregnancy is migraine that occurs when the blood vessels in the brain constrict and dilate. Experts say that about one in every five women experience migraine headache at least once in their lifetime and about 15 percent of them get migraines for the first time when become pregnant. Usually, physicians prescribe a medication that is a combination of analgesic with other substances in order to increase its effects. In order to relieve anxiety, abortive treatments also involve the usage of anti-inflammatory drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs that include naprosyn, anaprox, ponstel, meclomen, tolectin, and toradol which are helpful in treating headaches.
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