According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), phishers send an email or pop-up message that claims to be from a business or organization that you deal with --- for example, your Internet Service Provider (ISP), bank, online payment service, or even a government agency. The message usually says that you need to "update" or "validate" your account information. When they use the credit card and don t pay the bills, the delinquent account is reported on your credit report. They call your credit card issuer and, pretending to be you, change the mailing address on your credit card account. Then, your imposter incur charges on your account in your name and have the bills sent to the new address. But realistically, while these steps reduce the risk of becoming a victim, there is little individuals can do to actually prevent identity theft. True prevention resides in two arenas the adoption of more effective application-screening procedures by the credit industry and the implementation of responsible information-handling practices by employers. It's called identity theft shield, an around the clock system of monitoring your credit, restoring your identity and reimbursing your costs in case your good name is stolen and used against you. And with 1 of out of every 4 Las Vegans at risk of falling victim to this rising crime, identity theft insurance may be the closest thing our society has to a cure. You ll need a series of contact files, actual conversations and written messages, discussions at the agency, dates, and witnesses, if there are any. Original copies of all documentations should be included in your files. Send out to any office or person concerned photocopies only. A summary of what happened should be included in the report. ) Also, if your mail is delivered to a place where others have ready access to it, criminals can just intercept and redirect your mail to another location so that they will receive them. With enough identifying information, a criminal can assume an individual's identity and conduct a wide range of crimes: for example, applications for loans and credit cards, withdrawals from bank accounts, use of telephone calling cards, or obtaining other goods or privileges which the criminal might be denied if he were to use his real name.
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