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Identity Theft 101

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With millions of websites worldwide, it s hard to trace the actual culprit. Answering directly from your end to the website source of the named company, the phisher can make it appear he is in that site, but actually deviates you to another web link. To avoid this, verify about the message by using landlines that you think is legitimate. Original copies of all documentations should be included in your files. Send out to any office or person concerned photocopies only. A summary of what happened should be included in the report. The process is very meticulous and needs ample patience and determination. Ready your self for years of waiting before the offender will be found and proven guilty. They can also open new bank accounts and write bad checks on it. They can take out a loan under your name and even get new identification cards with your name but with their picture. They can also go as far as using your name to the police if they get arrested. And in case they do not show up in court during the legal proceedings, a warrant of arrest can be issued on your name and sent to your home for a crime that you have no idea about. On average, these policies cost between $25 and $50 for $15,000 to $25,000 worth of coverage. Identity theft insurance provides reimbursement for expenses such as phone bills, lost wages, notary and certified mailing costs and sometimes attorney fees with the prior consent of the insurer. Complaints about identity theft have surged from about 40,000 in 1992 to 750,000 in 1998, according to regulators. They call your credit card issuer and, pretending to be you, change the mailing address on your credit card account. Then, your imposter incur charges on your account in your name and have the bills sent to the new address. This is why most people may not immediately realize that there's a problem. They establish cellular phone service in your name. Always be aware if you re on call at a public telephone, somebody else may over hear you if you are transmitting some confidential matters concerning your personal identity. Of course, no matter how careful, or effectively oriented a person may be, at times things just happen inevitably, or without much awareness. 

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