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PBA Televised 300 Game #31: Sam Cooley

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Since bowling history is colorful and full of twists and turns, researchers have discovered that the game is actually the very first sport that was discovered. Back in 5200 B.C. they found primitive balls and pins in Egyptian tombs. They also found Polynesian cultures that practiced the same sport and found lanes about 6 feet long. Try different angles and places to get the right angle for releasing the ball. Once the perfect spot is discovered, make sure to stand in the same place each time for consistency. 6. To attain perfect balance, right-handed players step with their right foot first when they approach the foul line and the left foot is used to give the last step when the ball is released and vise versa. Fat burning As your muscles flex, turn, and twist in every swinging motion that you make while playing bowling, these moves can actually promote the burning of some accumulated body fat. 3. Builds friendships One of the health benefits that can be derived in bowling is based on the kind of relationship that is being built with your friends or family. This will help him get used to the movements and find out which styles are effective for him in hitting all the pins. 3. A bowler should be able to estimate his timing. The regular timing should be different from the spare timing - this will help him determine which timing is more effective for him. If he sticks to the normal timing only, he will not be able to determine whether the faster or slower timing caused a bad shot. In fact, most health experts say that doing warm up exercises increases the capacity of the person to withstand the activity or the game. It has been clinically proven that warm up exercises can actually boost an individual's working ability and can lessen, if not eliminate, the chances of injury. It is necessary for every bowler to do some warm up exercises since playing the game could put more strain on the player than anticipated. While doing the steps, the player will swing the ball at the same time he is stepping and then release the ball at the exact time the ankle touches the ground once he starts sliding. The ball should be released at the end of the slide. 5. The last step is the swinging and releasing of the ball. If the player would like to execute the hook, then he should make the ball rotate while it is rolling down the lane. 

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