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Meditative Aromatherapy Essential Oil Recipe | In Partnership with Yoga Journal

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A good example that will help relieve body aches and pain is mixing 20 drops of lavender oil, 10 drops of rosemary and blackberry, 5 drops each of peppermint and cypress oil mixed with some massaging oil to make the pain go away. Another great idea to mix into the warm water is 20 drops of geranium, 10 drops of bergamot and ylang ylang with 5 each of frankincense and cedar wood. The benefits of aromatherapy through aromatherapy diffuser The term "aromatherapy" was first heard from the lips of Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a French chemist who discovered the healing method in the 1920s. Referred to as the practice of using aromatherapy essential oils derived from different parts of certain plants in a healing process, aromatherapy has become one of the common practices of people in relieving physical and psychological pains. Aromatherapy oils when used in conjunction with a carrier oil is also a great way to a relaxing massage or a soothing bath. Aside from using aromatherapy oil as a soothing medium, this can also be used to solve common household problems such as smelly kitchen, drawer, or room. Various aromatherapy oils like lavender, citronella, and peppermint can also be effective bug repellants and natural insect repellents. The electric oil burner is considered to be safer since it does not need an open flame to keep it on the whole day. This is great since the children might accidentally tip over it causing a fire to happen. The ceramic oil burner has to be lit. This is lighter than the electric version and comes in different variations. The person will realize later on that an extract from a particular tree or a plant can sometimes be used for something else. There are over 60 different oils and it will take some time to be familiar with it all. Fatigue is something that affects everyone. This can be a child piled up with homework and experiences information overload to the employee who has been putting 14 hours just to finish the task before the deadline. What better way to incorporate topical application of essential oils than using it for an aromatherapy massage. You can enjoy aromatherapy massage with a partner or on your own. All you need to do first is learn and understand what essential oils are best for what to be able to begin aromatherapy massage. 

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