It was only in the 1920s that the practice got the name "aromatherapy" which was invented by Ren Maurice Gattefoss , a French chemist, who used the process in his own work. Unknown to many, aromatherapy has a lot of branches. One of those branches is Home Therapy, which deals with the use of the practice for self-treatment as well as in the use of it in making perfumes and cosmetics. Monoterpenes are those aromatherapy essential oils that contain bactericidal, anti-viral, and antiseptic properties that can cause skin irritation when not used properly. Examples of such include lemons, pines, and frankincense. Esters, on the other hand, are those that are fungicidal, sedating, and quite aromatically pleasing like bergamot, Clary sage, and lavender. Perfume oils are not the same as essential oils. For those who are just buying these oils for the first time, make sure that what you are buying is the only you truly need. What makes an essential oil different from a perfume oil is the fact that it has therapeutic benefits and not just aromatic ones. There is another way to make this happen and this is done by using an oil burner. There are two types of aromatherapy oil burners. The first is the electric while the other is the ceramic. The electric oil burner is considered to be safer since it does not need an open flame to keep it on the whole day. The use of aromatherapy can be incorporated into daily life through the use of aromatherapy candles, soaps and such. However, to be able to get the full benefit of aromatherapy, you must get serious and learn all about the topical application of aromatherapy essential oils to affected areas for a full experience of healing. Cooking Up Good Scents Aromatherapy is a wonderful natural alternative to modern medicine when it comes to treating common ailments and mood swings. In aromatherapy, there is no risk of ingesting blends of herbs that may have harmful or adverse effects on us. Aromatherapy uses essential oils that benefit us in two ways: through the connection of our olfactory sense with the brain and as well as through the direct application of essential oils to the skin.
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