Basic Skin Care Regimen you Should Know About Many people often ignore that the key to having healthy and good skin is oftentimes missing out on basic skin care regimen that you should know about and practice. It is oftentimes understandable how people often tend to neglect the idea that skin care should also be part of their regular routine due to the daily grind of everyday work and living, however, many people deny the fact that this should still be a part of their regular routines. Make sure to gently massage the face with circular motions and do not attempt to scrub, since scrubbing or even overwashing can irritate or damage the skin. To further prevent pimples from coming back, also apply an over the counter topical ointment or cream with benzoyl peroxide, which will help decrease skin oil and bacteria. Here are the major external factors that cause aging and skin aging, it is up to you how to avoid these in order to maintain a young looking and vibrant skin. 1. The sun. This is the major external factor that caused aging. Experts say that aging caused by overexposure to the sun's ultra violet rays is called "photo-aging. Are you even aware that basic skin care can be as easy as a two step process that would not eat up so much of your time everyday, and can even help you achieve the maximum desired results if followed through diligently and consistently. Basic skin care is not rocket science, it is simply the practical and logical process by which we take good care of our skin and the need, plus the process by which we naturally care or our skin, is initially inherent among ourselves. Skin experts say that major antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, and E can indeed help decrease damage brought by the harmful rays of the sun. These vitamins can also help in the reduction of possible damages brought by certain factors in the environment. Studies shoe that Vitamin A is quiet essential for healthy blood and skin condition. One of these difficulties is having various skin disorders or skin diseases like acne. SKIN CARE THAT TREATS ACNE It is common for people regardless of gender, age, or nationality to experience skin disorders. But among the kinds of skin imperfections, most people would agree that acne is one of the most painful and hardest to treat.
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