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How to Keep Chickens from Pecking and eating Eggs and MORE!

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Keeping Chicken Producing High Quality Chicken Eggs The effort to produce high quality food sources and quality farm products has been a major focus in all sectors of the food industry. For the average man working in the poultry industry, the changes, complexities, and practices in producing high quality chicken eggs and meat could be stressful if not bewildering, but what happens in the farm determines directly the quality of the products that the poultry produce. Ample space rules that out. When building a backyard chicken coop then it is important to determine first the number of chicken intended for the coop. When that is decided already, raise the planned chicken coop above the ground to keep them healthy and for easier cleaning and maintenance. Consider Ventilation Chicken droppings contain ammonia and create dampness inside the coop. Hens are the ultimate feminists, since they are very much comfortable without their male counterparts. As for breed selection, the "bantam" is more popular for their docile nature and gorgeous plumage. Their small size also makes them easier to handle. You also have to consider the size of a chicken's comb and wattle since these extra appendages are prone to frostbites during winter, which can cause health complications if not treated properly. There is also the lack of color intensity in the cere and there is yellowish and scaly accumulation on the beak. Infections The little wounds and lacerations on the soles of the feet, is a good breeding ground for parasites and bacteria that when left untreated will eat the bone, become acute and endanger the life of the chicken. The layers mash, the crumbled pellet and the pellets. These variations typically have similar composition. The different names are only to identify the grade of the milling. Layers mash for example is crushed to almost powdery consistency to make it easier for chicks to peck and digest. The crumbles are milled to rough consistency and are ideal for young chickens and the pellets for the full grown. The idea here is as simple as protecting the chickens and those flowers and plants that adorn the yard as much as keeping the predators out. When building, remember that chicken scratches all over the dirt. To our chagrin, they love it. They could scratch near the fence and before you knew it, the fox and raccoons gets the idea and figures out a way to get their dinner easy. 

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