Unlike the red mites, scaly-leg mites come from infested ground. Brushing the chicken leg with warm soapy water to rid the mites and then painting the leg with a mixture of methyl and olive oil in equal parts plus half a part of kerosene will kill the mites. Make sure though that the solution penetrates the scales. Chickens you see are very sociable creatures. They want another chicken's company that they can huddle with especially during cold seasons and rainy days. That does not mean though that they are always placid creatures. They could get very cranky at times and start being irritated at even the littlest of things. So once in a while, if the size is manageable, let the chicken roam around, with supervision of course. Because if chickens are caged their diet is only as varied as those that are fed to them. While the chickens are in their pens, there are two types of feeds. The first and most important is the corn mixed with other seeds. To prevent the newspapers or wood shavings from getting wet, place stones inside the water pan for ballast. Replenish food and water in the hopper daily and clean it from droppings. Mix vitamins and minerals into the water to insure that the chicks grow healthy and to boost their resistance to diseases. If you want to travel the frugal route, just as effective albeit not as pleasant to look at, were talking. You will need corrugated galvanized iron sheets, chicken wire, planks, and whatever means to build them. The idea here is as simple as protecting the chickens and those flowers and plants that adorn the yard as much as keeping the predators out. Grits are bought in any farm and poultry supply store, the grit is then mixed with the chicken feed that aids digestion. Normally, healthy foraging chickens will swallow small pebbles. They know what to select and what is good for them. However if the chicken is not let out of the coop for long periods, they miss this digestion aids.
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