Chickens are also very potent when it comes to getting rid of pests in the garden. It is important that you familiarize yourself with some facts and general guidelines in raising chickens before making a decision. I ll enumerate them all one by one. Raising Chickens Is Illegal In Some Cities. You might do well to call your municipality and ask about the city laws that involve the matter of housing poultries. If the idea of raising egg-laying hens has entered your mind, a comprehensive plan that involves quality of feeding, proper environment, and stress management should be undertaken to get the best results for egg production. But before we proceed with a contingent plan, an introduction to the fundamental facts involving the laying of eggs should be tackled. You may want your pet chicken to roam around the house, even sleep in the bedroom but the chicken would pretty much prefer its own coop to roost and its own nest box to lay eggs on. You can always build one using the materials that you already have or are readily available at a local farmers market or hardware. If the flooring of the chicken house is made from slats, install wires underneath to prevent predators from digging from underneath. Cover weak posts with wires to prevent them from biting through and lock up the chicken hutch without fail when the chickens are roosting in their coops. Prevent access. In this manner, you can prevent them from damaging any crops that you want to protect by veering the coop away from the spots they're growing from. Regular cleaning is also recommended to prevent diseases. Chickens love to perch, so don't forget to install a place where they can roost. Most of all, the coop should be safe from drafts and extreme temperature. That way you could monitor the production of the eggs better. When the eggs are reduced, and the causes are eggs that were pecked on, isolate the chicken pecking on the eggs. You could find that out when a chicken has egg residues in the beak. When the chicken is isolated, feed the chicken with liquid milk for a while.
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