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Later, this redness becomes thicker and more noticeable with time, especially if there is no treatment done. It can become purple sometime later. More symptoms There are other signs of rosacea that shows up on the face of the victim. These include papules (bumps), pustules, and nodules. All these tend to come and go with time. The face will become increasingly dry and sensitive. In ocular rosacea, the eyes become red and look irritated, including the eyelids which may look red and swollen. Vision sometimes can be blurry. The eyes become watery and tend to develop sties. (Unchecked, there is a possibility of corneal damage or even blindness. The face of rosacea Tiny blood vessels they call spider veins develop on their faces, especially on both their cheeks. After a while, small red bumps develop and appear in crops. Some of these red bumps contain pus (pustules) and those without pus are called papules. These red bumps look like acne, and people usually call them adult acne. Despite these, there are a lot of medications available for rosacea patients precisely because not all people react to the problem the same way. The most effective line of defense is of course avoid the triggers altogether. Those who are triggered by heat and sun exposure make sure that they have umbrellas and hats when they leave the house. Among these symptoms are redness on the skin, particularly in the forehead, the cheeks, the nose and the chin; blood vessels that are visible on the skin; bumps or pimples on the skin and eyes that are watery. Rosacea is different from acne because its pimples do not whitehead or blackheads. Inside you will find clear liquid. To those who want no more of the flare ups, here are some of the ways that you can manage your rosacea without going to the doctor all the time. 1. Avoid sunlight This is the number one trigger of rosacea flare ups. Sun exposure, hit weather and sunbathing can cause those redness on the skin. So if you plan to go outside, bring sun protection like an umbrella, a hat, even a shawl, sunglasses and sunscreen. 

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