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Create Your Own Marriage Help Program | Paul Friedman

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If you and your spouse are having marriage trouble following a miscarriage or loss of a child seek marriage help immediately. Regardless of the reason for your child's death, the loss will affect your lives forever. Married couples do not always react in the same way during this time. For example, a wife may completely shut down and sink into an obvious depression due to the loss of her baby. Taking the time to write out a letter by hand to your wife or husband is a good way to help your marriage. This method may seem antiquated in today's high-tech society, but it is much more personal. Dive into your everyday life with a video. Make a movie of the scenes around the house and your home. Include shots of local attractions of interest to you, and of interest to the two of you as a couple. A marriage can be difficult when both partners are willing to work things out together, as a team, but when you must tow the car across the road while a passenger sits relaxing inside listening to the radio, you begin to doubt the relationship altogether. There is something you can do when your marriage needs help and your spouse refuses to take the steps to seek marriage help right along with you. This convenient and private option may be perfect for your family. Marriage help is out there if you know where to look for it. Find a source of marriage help that is right for you and your spouse. Make sure that everyone is comfortable with the form of marriage help you select. Marriage help comes in many forms. Marriage help and support can be at your fingertips simply by dialing the phone or typing a few lines on your computer keyboard. Some counselors are willing to hold therapy sessions, for couples neding marriage help, over the phone or through email messages. Intensive therapy can be a valuable resource for couples requiring help for their failing marriage. If a partner in a marriage suspects their spouse is not committed to the marriage, the two of you will need marriage help right away to resolve such an issue. Marriage help often appears as a form of intervention when a couple is unable to compromise. Marriage is give and take. It is not healthy to allow your mate to walk all over you and get what he or she wants all of the time. 

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