It is always better to learn other things presented to you. You never know if you might be able to use that to enhance what you already know. 4. Willingness to learn. Do not close your mind to new knowledge and skills. Be open to new ideas and abilities. It is best to be flexible and able to perform not only what you are best at. The Spanish flavor of this dance comes from its origins in the Spanish bullfight. Yes, this dance comes from a bullfight. The lively music of this type of Latin dance actually comes from the same music played at bullfights during the entrance of the bullfighters. The movements are generally based on the movements of the matador, the bull or the cape. Make sure that you have the answer to this question before you join a certain club. You probably would not want to be tied into an organization where you will not enjoy every minute of your stay. 4. Fee required. Make sure that you are paying a fee that is reasonable and is just right. Try to know where your fees are going and what it can provide for you. This is why you need to think long and hard first before choosing the dress you will wear. Ask yourself if it seems perfect for you and the competition you will enter into. Some of those who have been into Latin dance for sometime even have their own designer to create their dress for them. This is the best way to do it if you think of Latin dance as a long-time career or if you have the budget for it. This is especially while performing. There may be times when you need to share one dance floor. And it happens that other dancers are performing ahead of you while you make your entrance. The best way to do it is to start at a particular spot not so close to the dancers. When you see that they need to move into your space, allow them some extra spot in order to complete their performance. Seeing dancers moving into the Latin rhythm is enough to entice one into learning it too. Once the moves are perfected, it is likely that you will feel like the next Shakira or Ricky Martin. But Latin dance is not just about the physical appearance and the popularity. There are other benefits that you can get from Latin dance that you do not know about.
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