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High-functioning anxiety: What are the signs and symptoms?

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Anxiety Attack Heart Problems Anxiety attack heart problems are any problems related to the cardiovascular system of your body that are caused by anxiety or panic attacks. Due to the very nature of a panic attack, it is not surprising that anxiety attack heart problems are among the leading causes of heart attacks or other cardiovascular issues among North Americans today. The basics of an anxiety disorder panic attack Anxiety disorder affects about 13% of the world’s population, according to most objective world health sources. Anxiety disorders include panic attacks, fear disorders, and sleep disorders. Stress disorders affect more women than men by a difference of about 2 or 3 percent. Calming herbs such as lavender, valerian and passion flower and have been used successfully at the onset of a panic attack. Vitamins and amino acids can be combined successfully to help reduce the occurrence of panic attacks. Research vitamin B-complex, Omega-3 fatty acids, 5HTP, sAMe and L-taurine to see if they might benefit you in controlling your panic attacks. Dealing with a Nocturnal Panic Attack A Nocturnal panic attack tends to be one of the most frightening panic attacks a person can have. They interrupt sleep, and most of the time the panic sufferer wakes up mid-attack. Anyone who has ever experienced a nocturnal panic attack can vouch for how frightening the first time can be, and the confusion they experienced. A Pounding Heart One of the more common of an anxiety attack symptom is a pounding heart. This symptom can be caused by a number of different anxiety attacks, from mild to severe. Many people who do have an attack tend to clutch at their chest in fear of a heart attack or other ailment, when in reality they are experiencing anxiety. Any imbalance of these chemicals can provoke a cause of anxiety attack expressed through feeling depressed or sad. Genetics Anxiety disorders are also inherited as they tend to run in the family, thus passing it on from one’s mother/father to the son/daughter or any other close relative. The structure of the brain and its process are inherited in totality and that can be another reason why people with chemical imbalance can pass on the anxiety disorder thus, being the cause of anxiety attack. 

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