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How This Dentist Crafts $80,000 Veneers For Celebrities | Beauty Explorers

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Check your work schedule Some cosmetic dental procedures can be pretty drastic and these may require braces and elastic bands that will help the teeth move. If you have a lot of meetings schedules especially presentations to clients, you might want to schedule your dental procedure at a later date. You may actually start with the preliminary procedures like extractions and putting in false teeth because these are procedures that will not affect your appearance but braces and retainers are different things. Others simply want to straighten a crooked smile (caused by a crooked tooth or a group of teeth). Some others would just want to replace their old metal fillings with the now-popular white tooth-colored restorations. Most people want to have their teeth whitened. Teeth whitening one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures available is the one cosmetic treatment where the benefits are impressive and seen right away. Before going through the whole thing, have a talk with your dentist and ask how much you will be spending for the whole thing. Tell your dentist to estimate the cost and to give you the maximum cost. That way, you will be able to know just how much money you have to prepare and if you have them. 2. Time As mentioned before, a simple cosmetic dentistry can involve a lot of procedures that can stretch into weeks and months. He tackles cases that are very complicated. This is why a cosmetic dentistry procedure can involve a lot of extraction especially if you teeth are too many and the space inside the mouth is too cramped for all your teeth. It can also involve braces and elastic bands and sometimes, replacing the whole teeth with a fake one that is inserted into the gums. Records Your dental records are also very important during consultations with your cosmetic dentist. They are important in developing a precise cosmetic dental treatment plan unique to your case and needs. These would typically include the comprehensive intra-oral examination (including photos and X-rays), and teeth impressions. Make sure that they have the license to do all these procedures. This is important because without the license, a dentist is a bogus practitioner. This means they are either not trained well enough or were stripped off their license. Check this first before deciding to have your procedure. Training and Education Although most cosmetic dentists have the same training and education as other dentists, they have more in terms of cosmetic dental procedure and reconstructive techniques. 

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