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Cosmetic Dentist Day in the Life 2023 | JOYCETHEDENTIST

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They are generally artificial teeth, like dentures, that are put to replace missing teeth. You would regain a natural looking and very confident smile. However, there could be surgical procedure involved. Thus, patients are required to be in good oral and physical health before the procedure. This surgical procedure is usually advised for patients with healthier gums and at the same time reliable bone structure to support the implants. The treatment works much like those done with dental inlays (two sessions, impression-making in the first and permanent placement in the second). They are also created from tooth-colored materials that make them almost undetectable to the naked eye. Onlays help conserve more tooth structure because they require minimal removal of tooth surface during the bonding process. Teeth whitening one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures available is the one cosmetic treatment where the benefits are impressive and seen right away. Things to consider If you are planning to undertake a dental cosmetic procedure, it is necessary that you thoroughly know and understand its different aspects. There would also be a review of different tooth shapes and sizes to see what fits and appeals to you. Nowadays, cosmetic dentists use computer monitors so both of you can review your smile tooth by tooth. This is also for your understanding on what can be changed and how. Results, of course, may vary depending on the skills of your chosen dentist. What you can do however is to find cosmetic dentists that have sufficient training and experience in redoing sets of teeth. Experience, remember is important. You don t want to go through all those different procedures, which may include extraction, whitening and even root canal, just to have a misaligned set of teeth in the end. While dentists call them direct composite veneers, many simply refer to them generically as dental bonding. Dental bonding is used to repair cracked, chipped, and discolored teeth including the replacement of silver fillings. It can also repair misaligned teeth, thereby giving the patient a straighter and more uniform smile. 

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