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Houston Cosmetic Dentist ...Widen your smile without Veneers !

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Today s technology has made it so that there are now individual ways to fix, repair, mend and restore teeth, with each one tailor-fitted to the damage. Crowns and tooth cracks Dental crowns are the latest ways of fixing teeth cracks. Cracked teeth are usually caused by tooth decay, teeth grinding, and sometimes by accidents. The process begins when the teeth are carefully isolated from the lips and gums. Next, a bleaching gel is applied to the teeth. A laser is used with the gel in order to amplify the teeth whitening process. At-home teeth whitening For at-home teeth whitening, your cosmetic dentist can take imprints of your teeth and then make custom-fitted trays for your use to complete your teeth whitening process. This is when cosmetic dentistry comes in. Cosmetic dentistry is not your usual dentist appointments. While these regular appointments makes sure that your teeth is well taken care of, cosmetic dentistry tries to do more. It makes your smile, whiter, straighter and better. This is the result of multiple procedures, from tooth extraction and teeth whitening to putting braces and straightening the teeth. When the TMJ is strain or stressed, TMJ disorder may occur. Aside from over-opening of the jaws, there are several other factors that cause the disorder. These include: jaw thrusting due to speech habits; excessive jaw movements; excessive chewing; nail biting; massive sizes of food eaten; clenching of teeth; tooth grinding while asleep; jaw, shoulder and neck tension; and arthritis. A pleasing smile is one where the two central front teeth are dominant and have a width-to-length ratio of 4:5. This proportion is the yardstick of the length and width of all the other teeth. Your cosmetic dentist can characterize your crowns and veneers to create a more feminine or a more masculine appearance, matching the look and feel of the other natural teeth. Dental veneers These are laminates made of composites or porcelain that are bonded to the surface of the tooth to correct and repair chips, cracks, worn appearance or severe teeth discoloration. Sometimes, they are administered to correct gaps in the teeth, or dark surfaces not corrected by teeth whitening. 

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