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What to Do & Not Do When Setting Goals | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

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Corporations, huge and small, are now racing against time to incorporate into their calendar of activities, schedules of goal setting for their executives and other staffs. Harmonizing the company's goal with the career and professional goals of the company employees can be immensely beneficial. This will allow people to be more open, conscientious, thus developing the environment into a more conducive place for professional growth. Knowing each other too well could sometimes set a difference in making the relationship, and in general, the team, work. The discussion could facilitate a venue where each members can meet half way and reach a consensus about how they could effectively meet targets and goals. Set the goals for the team. The importance of goal setting Because goal setting is really an activity that brings about more advantages than disadvantages, it is logical that the concept has its own set of plusses and merits. The goal setting activity is the time when one s self is evaluated and assessed. That is why one importance of goal setting is that it provides a venue for one to know himself or herself better. They may not share your concept on how to do things but if these people share your vision, they will at least give you alternative routes in reaching your goal. These alternative routes represent their own view with the world and their belief in doing things. This process will give you the chance to improve your precepts or ideas. Goal setting, for its part, needs effective time management skills for it to be successfully achieved. Remember, when managing your time, the first thing you should attend to would be assessing or setting out your list of priorities. Doing so would enable you to carry out tasks that need to be carried out first than the others. There is also a possibility that you're having a hard time assessing whether the company you're working with, or even your personal career, is not working as it should be. Because of this, even though you are pretty sure that there is a problem, you can't decide where to attack it. If this is the case, you have a deficiency in setting performance goals. 

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