They think it a matter of family shame if one of their own marries out into a different race – this can have dangerous consequences for the people involved as the culture tries to defend what it believes to be a matter of honor. Despite this being a characteristic of the cultures involved, it’s a situation that needs looked at when these cultures are living in countries where basic freedoms to choose are common for all people who live there, even those born into a culture that doesn’t, for the most part, believe this is right. This can mean taking a break, finding social support, or working directly on the problem together. You can show empathy and love, and avoid criticism. This can strengthen your bond, and also clear the way for deeper feelings for one another. Having patience will be essential in saving your marriage, and it’s important to maintain balance and perspective if any conflict arises. A marriage that is legal is one that is performed by a minister or someone that is qualified to perform the ceremony. Once the ceremony is complete the bride and groom will sign a piece of paper and a few weeks later get a certificate in the mail, in the meantime you will be given a document to show proof of marriage. Under the age of 18, at least one parent or guardian is required to appear. If either party has been married in the past, proof of dissolution of marriage is required. There is no waiting period in California and no blood or physical tests are required. Cousins may marry. California marriage laws do not permit for common law marriages but do allow for proxy marriages (only for armed forces members) and same sex domestic partnerships in San Francisco and Marin counties. Then there are others for whom a good night at the tables means a gold band to place beside the extra chips on the hotel dresser. It’s not possible to just arrive in Vegas and expect to get married however. Even in this fun-filled city, there are formalities that have to be observed. Be prepared to wait in line (on some days a LONG line) for your marriage license for example – without this not even the drive-thru wedding chapel is going to marry you! Learn how to have fun with each other laugh together and use humor in healthy ways. It is always important to comfort, encourage, and affirm one another. When you are, a married couple learns to be independent stand on your own two feet as a couple and not be dependent either financially or emotionally on either of your parents.
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