One tends to believe that everything will be all polished and perfect for a marriage of love, however after that honeymoon stage the couple starts noticing things they never did. In an arranged marriage the couple knows they have faults and are waiting to discover what they are and how they will work around them. In spite of everything, there are ways to help save a marriage that is heading toward negativity. A healthy marriage is comprised of mutual understanding, listening and respecting each other’s differences, accepting arrangements and plans, and overall, having the confidence to work through setbacks and conflict. Do you really need to have love in a relationship in order to marry, and do you need to marry if you love someone? Only one generation back, our so-called civilized culture declared that love and marriage inevitably followed one another. There were no co-habiting/common-law relationships socially acceptable. Someone may want a catholic wedding while others may think a protestant wedding is best, to avoid all conflict one may even choose not to have any type of religion at their wedding. If you plan on having a religious ceremony make sure you follow all procedures, sometimes a priest will want to meet with the happy couple for counseling before ever performing the wedding. In the years to come, it’s to be hoped that a similar situation as regards interracial marriage will occur so that people have a right to marry the right person for them, regardless of which race they are from. Marriage should be something that is private between two individuals, and not something to be dictated by society or cultural groups. The same is true in Idaho, though they stopped the practice of granting common law marital status on January 1, 1996. Ohio also discontinued their common law marriage laws on October 10, 1991. Pennsylvania stopped granting common law marriage status on January 1, 2005. A common law marriage must be dissolved as any other marriage – by divorce or death.
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