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Digital Metals Creates Web Applications to Enhance Precious Metals Trading. VIDEO: 4:45.

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For example, osmiridium (a natural alloy of osmium and iridium) is alloyed with the other metals in the platinum group and used in instrument pivots and phonograph needles (apart from electrical contacts and fountain pen tips as mentioned earlier). In another example, osmium tetroxide is used to detect fingerprints and to stain fatty tissue for optical and electron microscopy. Since the late 1930s, palladium has been utilized as a precious metal in jewelry. Because of its naturally white properties, palladium has been used as an alternative to white gold. Along with silver and nickel, palladium is popularly used in making white gold alloys. According to the British Geological Survey (BGS), the top four palladium-producing countries in the world are Russia, South Africa, Canada, and the United States (in this order). While bullion coins are issued as legal tender, with nominal values assigned to them on minting, such face values are far below the commodity value of the metals themselves. Here's an example: Most of the gold coins issued by national governments, particularly those with currency values of between 10 and 100 U. Provided below are some of the properties of this precious metal. General: Chemical Symbol: Ag Atomic Number: 47 Category (as an element): Transition Metal Group/ Period/ Block (in the Periodic Table): 11/ 5/ d Atomic Weight: 107.8682 g.mol-1 Electron Configuration: [Kr] 4d10 5s1 Physical: Density (near room temperature): 10.49 g. By adding salmiac (ammonium chloride), he then precipitated the platinum. All other metals, including rhodium, were precipitated with zinc. Rhodium was further precipitated by the addition of sodium chloride. Finally, it was washed with ethanol and reacted with zinc, forming the precious metal that it is known today. 1 ounce coin - With 31.103 g platinum content, 31.119 g in weight, and 32.7 mm in diameter. The coins have no currency value. Their value, rather, is equal to their respective platinum contents. All coins consist of 0.9995 pure platinum. On the coin's obverse is Queen Elizabeth II, along with these texts: "ISLE OF MAN" and "ELIZABETH II". 

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