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Novak Djokovic’s insanely healthy diet

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Our body can't function well without the two important polyunsaturated fats: the linoleic and the alpha-linoleic acid. - Cod liver oil, a fish essential oil for sports nutrition. Cod liver oil is rich in Vitamin A and D. This two-in-one essential oil is on the list of athletes' favorite essential oil for sports nutrition. The significance of water can never be discounted because the human body is composed of sixty percent of it, and every bodily function cannot work without water. The good old eight-cups-of-water-a-day recommendation is essential because the body must replace the water it eliminates, like sweat and urine. Food rich in carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, pastas, breads, cereals, rice and many more that are too many to mention. The more carbohydrates you have, the more energy you can give out. If you run out of carbohydrates, you can also get energy form proteins and fats. You can get your proteins from meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, dairy products and other foods. What Keeps The Athletes Going If you are one of those ill-witted who perceive athletes as gods who don t need to stop to take in air, or to relax when there is need for relaxation, then perhaps it would be much of a disappointment to you to find out that athletes are not so different from those who are not athletes for they also make use of supplements to get them going. The demand for nutraceuticals has been growing worldwide due to consumer awareness of the links of diet and disease, aging population, rising health care cost and innovations in food technology and nutrition. Competition factors for the Sports Nutrition Market Product/brand differentiation Because of greater saturation and competition in the marketplace sports nutrition products look alike and sound the same. One is changing your supplement into advanced sports nutrition supplements. Assess the level of your commitment Okay, so you have enough supply of advanced sports nutrition at your disposal. Is that it? Of course, not. You need to remind yourself that being an athlete, particularly if you decide to climb the next higher level of fitness, is a fulltime job. 

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