There is also less irritation reported as well as allergic reactions to the procedure. One can even apply make-up on the skin that is newly treated. One of the many benefits of Microdermabrasion is that it has less treatment time. This means that you don t have to spend so much time in the surgical room. It is never too early to start worrying about your skin and to find ways to take care of it. It s all about prevention Serious skin care should not only involve ways to combat the aging process when it has already settled in but also to prevent the onset of the aging process. One must remember that serious skin care does not just involve a fight but also prevention. Some companies have even developed facial wash for men, a skin care staple that men would not have bought a decade ago. Below are some of the products that have captured the interest and fancy of the male population. Mask it! Who would have thought that women will see the day when men will go to sleep with clay or mud all over their face? Cleansing routine It is important that one follow a cleansing routine every day. Remember that it is a cardinal rule to always remove the make-up before going to sleep. Turning in the night with make-up on will only result in clogged pores and eventually, acne. Although there are products that go great for certain types of skin, experts recommend the use of mild soap especially to those who have sensitive skins. Squeezing your pimples may also result in permanent scarring. So be very careful in tweaking those red bumps on your face. 3. Avoid oily cosmetics Remember that acne-prone skin is oily enough as it is. If you use oily cosmetics, it will only add up to the oil build up. If you have to wear make-up, look for the ones that are water-based. Another advantage of going to a doctor that your friends know is that you can ask for tips when it comes to some things like haggling for the price. 3. Check your budget You can get the best care but if you don t have the money to pay for it, why bother? It is important that before you look for a good doctor, you know how much you are willing to spend.
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