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Green skincare routine 💚 #skincareroutine #skincare #skin #pov

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This can prevent premature skin aging, wrinkles, and fine lines. Along with sunscreen, protect your skin by using sunglasses, full-brimmed hats, long sleeved blouses, and slacks. 7. If you re smoking, quit. Giving up nicotine intake can help your skin regain its lost nutrients. 8. Reduce excessive intake of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks because they only causes dehydration which only lead to cell death. Although having oily skin will lessen the possibility of developing wrinkles and lines early in life, one will compensate by being prone to acne, pimples and all sorts of blemishes. This is because over-activity of the sebaceous glands make it more likely for the pores in the skin to get clogged. Clogging of pores with grime, dead skin cells and bacteria trapped inside, can result to swelling and red bumps. With the right attitude and discipline, one can actually create a facial skin care routine that will help bring about that healthy glow. Below are just some tips that can help you start. 1. Get a good night sleep They did not call it beauty sleep for nothing. Having the right amount of sleep can actually help the skin regenerate. The kind of treatment as well as the duration will depend upon the skin type and the condition. Treatment results will of course vary depending on the condition of the skin before the treatment and of course the severity of the problem. But as mentioned before, with microdermabrasion, there will be shorter recovery time. It is then important that the person practice proper hygiene all the time. This is especially true if the person also has oily skin, which may exacerbate the problem all the more. Although it is recommended to wash the face twice a say, some wash their face a couple of times more during the day to ensure that it is kept clean. In fact, some women even complain that their boyfriends now spend more time at the mirror than they do. One of the booming industries brought on by the metrosexual phenomena is the skin care industry especially those that focus on men. The industry has become so big that cosmetic and skin care lines that only catered to women have started to also develop skin care products for men. 

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