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Why Antioxidants Are GOOD For Your Skin! #shorts

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Natural Antioxidant For years now, man has been dependent on nature for his source of nutrients essential for his health. Plants are where we get most of our foods and our medicines, relying on them almost entirely for developing our bodies to their full potential and at the same time reducing the causes of degenerative diseases. Once the process of free radicals formation is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Antioxidants: Natural Enemies of Free Radicals Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E are thought to protect the body against the destructive effects of free radicals. What antioxidants do is neutralize the free radicals. It would have been better if you only end up with thunder thighs after a bowl of rich cream, but there are far more serious health risks you'll have to consider when you indulge yourself with such things. That was then. This is now and it's perfectly okay to whip out your spoons, forks, and mats because today is decades in the making; today is the day you are permitted to salivate. On the other hand, the programmed theories are primarily concerned with the genetics of how long and how efficient our cells can maintain optimum health. This antioxidant antiaging therapy looks at intrinsic aging which is aging due to the rate of passing time. What are the benefits of antioxidant antiaging? But what if there was a way to slow down the process, perhaps even cure it, what would you say? The aging process brings with it not only wrinkly skin or tired joints and muscles. Those can be tolerated. After all, they are part of the natural cycle of life. But what isn't natural is disease. They are disorders - unnatural conditions of the body. We hear them mentioned all the time whenever there's a new scientific study being released in the American Health Journal or some such explaining how antioxidant juice from berries can aid in liver function or how antioxidant juice from red wine is the scientific reason behind the French paradox. Antioxidants, it seems, have far more benefits than we realize. 

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