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How to Reach the Antioxidant RDA

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Herbal antioxidants are of course found in fresh produce, fruits, and vegetables. A large number of members of the berry family are excellent sources of herbal antioxidants. In fact, most herbal antioxidants you find sold in health food stores today are comprised mainly of berry extracts. Studies have shown that berries are rich in certain herbal antioxidants that help reduce atherosclerosis by acting on the agents that causes the clogging and the hardening of the arteries. Hence, diseases such as cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, senility, and cancer are often attributed to the contributing factor of free radicals. The Effects of Antioxidant Juice The only way for the body to defend itself from free radicals is through antioxidants. Unfortunately, human beings are one of the few animal species that do not produce their own antioxidants. You probably remember from your old high school days that the human body is composed of many different cells and each cell is composed of many different molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined together by chemical bonds. A typical atom is comprised of a nucleus - neutrons, protons, and electrons. Note that it says "molecules" so that means free radicals don't make the distinction between foreign bodies and healthy cells. And when free radicals start attacking the body's own cells, you can guess what the results are - Aging. If only there was a way to get rid of those harmful free radicals. In recent studies, purple berries (such as Elderberry and black currant) are considered as the richest antioxidant foods. However, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries are also good antioxidant foods that are rich in proanthocyanidins which help prevent cancer and heart disease. Broccoli Another excellent antioxidant foods are green leafy vegetables. But oxygen, for all its benefits and positive effects, may also carry with it some negative ripple effect. When processing oxygen in the body (a process called "oxidation), oxygen byproducts are produced. These byproducts, called free radicals, are highly reactive substances that may cause damage to cells. 

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