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Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants

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And if you have, then you probably know about free radicals as well. But do you understand what they do? If not, then read on. What is antioxidant antiaging therapy? Modern theories of aging are generally looked at in two theoretical ways - the damaged theories and the programmed theories. The damage theories of antiaging primarily look at the damage that our cells incur over time. It has been found that a substantial link exists between free radicals and more than sixty different health conditions, including the aging process, cancer, and atherosclerosis. By reducing exposure to free radicals and increasing the intake of antioxidant enzyme rich foods or antioxidant enzyme supplements, your body's potential to reducing the risk of free radical-related health problems is made more palpable. Antioxidants, it seems, have created quite a huge wave in the scientific community that is devoting countless journals and magazine articles about their many benefits. Antioxidants are substances that work on free radicals, or more particularly work to counteract the damaging effects of these harmful oxygen byproducts. Antioxidant Red Grapes A New Orleans study has revealed a new antioxidant that is believed to be more potent that vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene. This new disease-fighting substance is said to be found in red grapes, whose juice and skin may offer more than just wine. The antioxidant red grapes are contained in the seeds of the fruit. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances that are produced when the body undergoes the process of oxidation. The reason that free radicals are highly reactive is that they lack electrons, which cause them to be highly unstable. To achieve maximum stability, free radicals therefore steal electrons from other molecules around them and in so doing, destroy the cell membranes and weaken the cell. Antioxidant support plays a key role in the defense mechanisms of the body. The most common antioxidant supports are in the form of vitamins, specifically vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. In addition, there is good evidence that bilirubin and uric acid can act as antioxidant support to help neutralize certain free radicals. 

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