You may also need to sell your program to the school administration, so be ready to state your facts and prepare your arguments for it. Second, determine the volume of trash your school produces each day. To do this, ask your friends or classmates to collect cans, bottles or used paper from other students, and monitor how much is thrown into the garbage bins during class. Examples include mercury, which can be retrieved from mercury barometers and reused again for different purposes. In the proper recycling of household hazardous wastes, most towns and cities today have installed programs for recycling them. Some towns have receiving points where people can drop their used batteries, used paint, broken computers or damaged cars. Styrofoam blocks can also be used in vases for making unique silk flower arrangements. You may also cut Styrofoam strips into flat strips for use as plant markers. Styrofoam meat trays may also be used for placing your watercolors, paint, clay dough and other materials. In the United States, the Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers has organized a mail-back initiative, where consumers can send their polystyrene packages or trays through the regular postal service. There are 10,000 different types of plastics, and the raw materials for plastic are natural gas or petroleum. The process of recycling plastic starts from the time the material is made, to the time it is once again reused as a new product after the recycling process. Today, most cities and towns have recycling facilities, where residents drop off their recyclable items at collection facilities, and the plastics are sorted, cleaned, as well as reprocessed into new materials. At the same time, scrap metal recycling can also be a good hobby, especially for those who like trying different ways for spending their leisure time. Its easy finding scrap metal dealers today, since these dealers can be found in every city or town. You can also search for them in your local Yellow Pages. Many Computer Parts Can Be Recovered Through Recycling Because of the toxic nature of most of the computer's parts, the storage, handling,disposal and recycling of computers is a sensitive task. The good thing is that most of the materials used in making computers can actually be recycled. Materials such as aluminum, tin, silicone, iron, copper, gold and a wide array of plastics, can be reused or re-processed, which help in reducing the cost of manufacturing new computer units.
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