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The recycling myth: What actually happens to our plastic

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Educate your kids and other family members about the importance of paper recycling, and teach your children to bring home the paper they used in school, instead of throwing them. You can also request your kid's school to initiate their own recycling programs. Trees not only serve as sources of paper or packaging materials, but also serve as a natural habitat for many birds and animals. Recycling Saves Energy According to data from the US Energy Information Administration, a paper mill actually uses 40 percent less energy to make paper from recycled materials, than it does to make paper from freshly-cut lumber. Proponents of recycling also tress that the need to use a second timber or logging truck is defrayed when paper is collected and used for recycled. How Recycling Benefits The Environment In today s fast-paced and stressful times, the environment too bears the heavy brunt of our wasteful, filthy and irresponsible behavior. But, instead of simply whining about how dirty our air or water is, or just complaining why the government is not doing enough to protect our natural resources, we can actually make a difference by planting trees or taking care of our forests, as well as by recycling at homes, our offices and workplaces. How Water Recycling Is Done Most sewage today is generated by residential, institutional, commercial and industrial establishments. This includes household liquid waste from baths, showers, toilets, kitchen sinks, which are disposed through the sewer system. In a waste water recycling process, dirty water goes through a maze of extensive cleaning and treatments. How The Recycling Movement is Picking Up Steam Today Because environment advocates and government planners worry about the threat of a full-blown garbage crisis, more and more programs are now being implemented to prevent the overflowing of our landfills. More states and counties have now adopted a wide array of recycling and waste recovery programs. Recycling helps us save on precious natural resources, time, energy and money. It can also provide a suitable income-earning potential for those who wish to engage in collecting and selling recyclable materials. Among the most commonly-recycled materials include glass, plastic, textiles, electronic components, aluminum, cardboard and scrap metal. 

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