We use them for sending e-mails and other office correspondence, and we also use them for surfing the Internet, or for watching our favorite movies and TV shows. We also use the PC for networking with friends or family. However, what happens when the PC you have at home becomes obsolete? Will you be simply throwing these down the landfill? Here are some basic facts about recycling, and why we need to reduce, reuse and recycle. What Is Recycling? By definition, recycling refers to the processing or used materials into new products or items, to prevent the wasteful disposal of useful materials, as well as reduce air, water and soil pollution, and lessen the need for conventional waste disposal methods. Tips For Recycling Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs Compact fluorescent light bulbs, or popularly referred to as CFL s, are a type of fluorescent lamp. Most CFL types were produced to replace incandescent lamps, and these are noted to have efficient life spans, and also feature a considerably reduced light output. These days, it s easy for consumers to recycle the cardboard items they have at home. Most city and municipal recycling agencies collect different types of cardboard, along with other common recyclables such as metal, glass, plastic, textiles, aluminum and electronic products. Consumers can also deliver cardboard by bulk to a recycling facility. However, some towns and cities require their residents to first sort the recyclables themselves, to make it easier for garbage crews to handle the recyclables. Refund or Deposit Programs This program is popular in the US, especially for buyers of canned or bottled beverages. The beverage bottles or cans have a deposit added to the purchase price. For example, scarp aluminum fetches a high price because recycling it eats up less energy as compared to producing a new aluminum can or container. Recycling Saves Energy According to data from the US Energy Information Administration, a paper mill actually uses 40 percent less energy to make paper from recycled materials, than it does to make paper from freshly-cut lumber.
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