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Conan & Jordan Schlansky's Italian Wine Tasting | CONAN on TBS

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Depending on the occasion, there are suitable wine gift baskets to choose from. When you select a basket, there are several factors that you ll need to consider in order to make the basket a truly special gift. If you are giving a basket as a wedding present, then you ll obviously want to choose a different basket than one you would give to a friend at a party. When you tear into a bottle of wine that has properly been stored, it can be glorious indeed, while tearing into bottle of poorly stored wine can be quite the letdown. Often times, drinking a bottle of wine that was poorly stored is much like drinking vinegar. To properly store wine, you ll need to meet several factors, such as humidity, temperature, lighting, the cleanliness of your storage area, the angle of the bottle while it is stored, and the vibration of the bottle on the rack. The carbon dioxide that becomes trapped in the sealed vats ferment the grapes under pressure, which is normally a quick process, taking only a few days. Keep in mind, the color and tannin content of the wine is based on how long the fermenting process takes. If the fermenting process takes a long time, the wine will generally hold more flavor and color. Over the course of several weeks, the riddler will twist each bottle a few degrees. By doing this every day, the riddler will prevent the sediment from settling in one place. Once a few weeks have gone by, the riddler will slant the bottles to a 60 degree angle and ensure that each and every bottle on the riddling rack is neck down in the proper hole. Members of the boards sell their wines to each other. Selling is done privately, which eliminates any type of transaction fee. Proper storage is also important when selling wine. Not only for the seller, but the buyer as well. In order to sell wine, the wine needs to be stored properly, with the proper temperature. As you may already know, there is a difference among rare vintage wines and wines that are instantly processed. If you are just beginning to collect wine, you should avoid purchasing in bulk until you know for sure what types of wine you wish to collect. When you visit a wine trader, you should let him know that you are a collector. 

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